As posted in previous post I am having trial run of Zenwalk 15 milestone 2020 on my acer aspire Laptop. After adding the required software through Flatpak I started looking for a Synthesizer. On netpkg (the Zenwalk Cli only Package manager) you can search on one source at a time. After changing the source from slackware64-current to shrepos/current I could install amsynth and try my newly acquired usb midi controller. It worked well.
Screen brightness could not be set through the XFCE Widget. I used the commands:
xrandr -q | grep " connected"
eDP connected 1366x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 344mm x 193mm
xrandr --output eDP --brightness 0.5
To reduce the brightness.
I need to use Hindi and Marathi on the Laptop so I added the indic keyboard but the Keyboard switching did not work. It seems to be a bug in XFCE Desktop.
Then I tried the good old command "setxkbmap -layout in" which resulted into following error:
Error loading new keyboard description
After googling I found that the culprit was the in symbol file in the newest version of xkeyboard (xkeyboard-config-2.30-noarch-1.txz).
I opened the file
bash-5.0# geany /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/in
and scrolled to line no 2329 =======
and commented out by putting # in front of it.
I tried the command "setxkbmap -layout in" once again and it worked.
Then I used the following to add the keyboard:
setxkbmap -layout "us,in"
and the XFCE Keyboard switcher also showed the two keyboards and the switching worked.
NB: XFCE 4.14 has a bug. I need to add the keyboard after every boot through the command:
setxkbmap -layout "us,in"
In a way it is good that I need to relearn the Linux commands to use Zenwalk Linux.