Monday, October 21, 2019

Using Podman Container on Endless OS to get Finance::Quote.

Endless OS came pre-installed on my acer aspire3 bought last year I started liking it but I had installed Ubuntu 18.04 in dual boot because I was not familiar with flatpak apps only type of Linux Distributions. Moreover, the main problem I noticed that the flatpak version of Gnucash did not have Finance::Quote which updates NAV of ny investments on daily basis.

I posted about this requirement on Endless OS Community and one of their developer posted on Github asking what was the program to include Finance::Quote on the flatpak version last December.

Recently I posted about this problem and I was introduced to Podman through which I built a Container with Ubuntu 19.10 mini ISO (75.2 MB).
Podman is a Cli only utility.

mkdir ~/sharing This directory will share the files on the host with Container.

podman image pull ubuntu:19.10
podman run --interactive --tty --name mycontainer\
--volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ --env DISPLAY --device /dev/dri --device /dev/snd --device /dev/input \ --volume /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
--volume /sysroot/home/$(whoami)/sharing:/mnt ubuntu:19.10

Then I created a User (Username same as on Endless OS)
root@ca50d6597e9c:/# useradd -d /home/username -s /bin/bash username mkdir -p /home/username chmod -R 700 /home/username chown -R username:users /home/username


Next I installed Gnucash in the Container:
$ podman start mycontainer
$ podman exec --interactive --tty mycontainer /bin/bash
root@ca50d6597e9c:/# apt update
# apt install gnucash

Gnucash got installed pulling all its dependencies
# exit

Before running the Container I had put the file myaccount.gnucash in the ~/sharing folder.

Next I had to run Gnucash in the Container using the Display of Endless OS.
$ podman start mycontainer
$ xhost +
$ podman exec --interactive --tty --user $(whoami) --workdir /home/$(whoami) mycontainer/bin/bash

Username@ca50d6597e9c:/$ gnucash /mnt/myaccount.gnucash
Gnucash opened using Display of host.
I updated the NAVs through Tools/Price_Deskto/Get_Quotes

$ podman stop mycontainer

I could have updated the NAVs through Commandline also:
Username@ca50d6597e9c:/$ gnucash --add-price-quotes /mnt/myaccount.gnucash

Just typing the following on the host:
$ podman start mycontainer
$ docker exec -it mycontainer gnucash --add-price-quotes /mnt/myaccount.gnucash without using GUI.

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

How to connect VGA Monitor to Laptop through HDMI Port.

As described in last post my Acer Aspire3 is showing strange colours. I am using it as it is till the Service Centre gets the spare.

I connected the HDMI port of the Laptop to TV and found that it is ok on TV. Then I decided to use VGA Monitor and bought HDMI to VGA Converter shown below:
After booting Ubuntu I selected Single Display as the Monitor:
and using it now.

Air India direct flight to San Fransisco has flown through China today.

 My sister in law left for San Fransisco by AI 173 flight which flows over North Pole. I tracked that flight on till it land...