I copied the following files from Fossapup64 iso to Fossapup folder on one partition of Hard Disk:
adrv_fossapup64_9.5.sfs, fdrv_fossapup64_9.5.sfs, puppy_fossapup64_9.5.sfs, zdrv_fossapup64_9.5.sfs, vmlinuz, initrd.gz
Then I created following boot entry in /etc/gub.d/40_custom:
menuentry 'Fossapup64 9.5' {
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 1e364a7e-9e6d-468a-99a2-404936a14d59
linux /Fossapup/vmlinuz pfix=nocopy pmedia=atahd psubdir=Fossapup
initrd /Fossapup/initrd.gz
and updated Grub:
sudo update-grub
I could boot into Fossapup64 Puppy Linux 9.5 Desktop.
I installed flatpak with all its dependencies from Puppy Package Managerflatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
and installed Gnucash:
flatpak install flathub org.gnucash.GnuCash
and run it:
flatpak run org.gnucash.GnuCash
For Libreoffice there was Menu/Document/Get_Libreoffice_download_and_install_Libreoffice available on the Desktop.